This time around we are featuring Aginor, manager of the Salem Warlocks , originally the San Jose Squeakables He has been with us from season one and is a core member of our league. Its always fun to check the world board and see what he has to say! now lets get to it...
1.How did you get into WhatIfSports?
A friend mentioned he found this website and said I should check it out. I started with an exhibition season of hockey. Yes I’m a Canadian and YES hockey is THE game!! Got hooked, plain & simple. My second full season of hockey lost in finals – it went the full 7. One the original HBD leagues (World 55 – Riley) was mainly owners from the Hockey side of the sim. Most of us are still there 9 seasons later and it’s only world I’ve seen where ALL 32 owners signed up for next season BEFORE the rollover (twice now). I mainly play hockey theme league – progressive or regressive type. I like the idea of ”building” a team. That’s why HBD appeals to me. We “puck heads” would love a hockey version of HBD.
2. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Keep in mind that every manager will be asked this. Things like Age, Work, location, family things, hobbies/interests, personality quirks.
Age 46 and live in Calgary, Alberta (home of the ’88 Winter Olympics - which I was a volunteer for). Work as what my company (insurance) calls a Commercial Field Risk Analyst – a mix of an underwriter and inspector. It’s fun cause I get to see a lot of businesses, it’s interesting to see how people run their business etc. Everyone is different. Single and some family here, most in the U.S. Ski in the winter, play slo-pitch in summer and train in the marital arts year around. A quirk… hmm, I hate being late for something. So much so, I’m often a fair bit early.
3. In your opinion, what minor league player, in your franchise, has the most potential to be a ML star and why?
My organization has a LOT of solid pitching prospects. Solid, but the majority is not what you’d call ACE material (mainly solid SP 3-5 type guys). If you’re going on STAR potential, it isn’t a pitcher; it’s John Hume. A Catcher that is presently in Hi-A. This 1st rounder from last year was a “HAVE TO HAVE” when I saw him on the draft board! A catcher who will have great PC rating AND will hit for decent power & average, how could I resist? The only 2 drawbacks are his durability and arm, still a future star! Oh and he’s from my home town too (added bonus!).
4. Would you change anything about your budget this season?
Other than the fact I’ll like more $ to spend. Not really, I’ve decided in most of my leagues to stay out of the IFA bidding wars. While some great talent there, the price tag can be too much sometimes. Have enough in Prospect Payroll to sign my draft picks and spend the money on scouting those picks and T & M budgets. You can’t have everything, so I’ve decided to try this approach.
5. How did you come up with your team name?
Well San Jose Squeables… I was camping with my slo-pitch team during a tourney in Vernon B.C. (great fun). At the campsite, there were a lot of marmots. Well somebody noted that they look like a beaver mixed with a squirrel, so we called them Squeavers. BUT my nephew couldn’t pronounce the “v” etc & it came out Squeables. I’m thinking next season I’ll change the team name to Salem Squeavers or Squeables. I kinda miss that nickname.

6. In real life, what teams/sports do you like? Also did you play sports as a kid and what was that like?
I play on a mixed slo-pitch team and a +40 men’s team. Both are just a bunch of people who enjoy playing. Sure winning is nice but at the end of the day… we all have jobs to go to in the morning. Nobody is making money playing, actually the exact opposite!! So, why get all worked up about it??? I’ve played on some top caliber teams in high level leagues etc. Sure it was fun – to a point. But my first tourney with this +40 group of guys showed me the “light” as it were. A group of very experienced and skilled guys, but no egos to feed etc. Just a “put me in coach” attitude!! Nobody cared about position or spot in the batting order…just whatever so long as I'm playing it's all good kinda thing. Nobody jumped on anybody for a mistake etc. I had NEVER enjoyed playing that much before!!! We didn’t win anything, but we were competitive with EVERY team we played – won a few games & lost a few. The last team we played (2nd time we'd played them that weekend - each winning one); a couple of their players actually came over to our bench as we were leaving and complemented us. Saying it was great to play against a bunch of guys who clearly just love playing the game for the sake of playing it. WOW, you don't hear that one often!!! I did play little league as kid and tried hockey, though it wasn’t my sport (couldn’t skate to save my life). Played volleyball and badminton in school etc. The overriding issue was winning at school or in little league. Guess that I took that basic attitude with me into adulthood. Took two decades BUT finally have come to realize… fun is the key, being with people who are in it for the same reason AND whose company you really enjoy is the MOST important thing. Is that enough Soap Box time?? Seriously, it was an eye opener and I hope others don't take as long as I did to realize this.
7. Who is your team MVP thus far in the ML’s?
Easy one!! Diego Balboa, though honorable mentions go to Clark Magnante & Tony Manuel. Guess getting out of the pitcher’s pit in San Jose agrees with Diego.
8. After not making the playoffs the last two seasons what have you done to try and turn your team around?
Firstly got out of that pitcher’s park. I know a fair number of owners are against movement of teams etc. But I’ve noticed that leagues that ban those “extreme” parks (hitter’s or pitcher’s) don't seem to have the wild swings in performance or at least it is far least frequent. I’ve come to the basic conclusion that the HBD engine doesn’t handle them well. So I dumped the extreme park for a more neutral park. Considering that this team last season was a .500 home team and horrible road team, I would’ve thought DISASTER this season. But instead the solid pitching staff that I’ve always stated I’ve got has shown its stuff. No longer in the top 5 of the league, still in the top 1/3 – that isn’t bad. The offence is now allowed to support them at home, result a few more wins. I’ve always thought this offence is better than it was showing (even when in San Jose). I also, moved a solid defensive player to 3B and brought up a solid glove at 2B. So my defense is much better. Finally, hope that a couple of guys who had an "off" year last season would rebound this season.
9. This is the only season you have yet to make a trade. Can we expect any from you and if so what will you be looking for?
Came really close to pulling off a blockbuster but the other owner changed his mind at the last minute. That’s cool; sometimes the best trades are the ones you DON’T make. I’m in the market for stud 3B. As I mentioned this organization has a lot of solid ML pitching prospect (too many to fit in the ML team). Heck my SP5 guy may be on block soon!
10. Out of the three players you promoted to the ml's this season which has worked out the best for you?
Again an easy one, it’s early in the season still. Paxton McConnell – in 8 starts he’s 3-1 wit

Aginor as a tribute to you i offer you this fine picture of Theo Fluery : )
I also agree with you, there should be a hockey HBD like game! Best of luck the rest of the way
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