Yes I know this is an odd name for a blog, but as most here in Williamson know, Im an odd guy. I just wanted to take this time to thank you all for voting or approving to change the league name from Jaha to Williamson. That was a very nice gesture and has helped to get me through this along with a couple of friends I've made in this league and other unexpected places.
The one that got away. This is what the blog is all about. We are all fortunate people to be here and able to play HBD. I've got no complaints. Its just some of us (me for instance), spend so much time and energy here online that we forget about whats really important in life and then those things and people disappear in a flash. Just because that happens to you or me, it doesn't give us an excuse to give up or quit fishing. I learned that theres much more to life than stuff like hbd and burying myself in these numbers. I learned the hard way and I just want to remind everyone to not take the best things in your lives for granted. Whe she was here a lot of times I was on this game 24/7 now thats shes gone, my hearts not in it. That being said I will continue to "fish".
Thanks everyone and of course a special thanks to tiskingmoon and the biggest hug ever. You're ok for a Detroit fan.
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